Practical Semester

Finished 03/2019 - 08/2019

My sixth semester was my practical semester which I absolved at the ArcTron 3D GmbH in the multimedia section which consisted of 6 employees and another intern.

Disclaimer: All of the following content is property of either the Königstein gGmbH or the Badische Landesmusem as well as the ArcTron 3D GmbH. The content features my contributed work to the projects and is shown only to represent my skills and knowledges which I aquired and improved during the internship.

Ceiling Painting

I reproduced the paintings of the historical ceiling boards in Photoshop. They later were used as texture for the reconstructed ceiling in Unity.

Trailer & Making-of

After completion of the projects and their official opening I produced some trailer- and making-of-videos about them with footage and renderings from the applications along with real-time footage and renderings of the working process.

Check the videos out here:


VR Exhibition Badisches Landesmuseum



These are the projects I got to work on and contribute to during my internship:

VR Georgenburg

VR Exhibition Badisches Landesmuseum



Historical doors reconstruction

The very first task in my internship was to recreate the doors of the historical Georgenburg for the Virtual Reality-Application of Königstein. Overall I modeled 20 doors with several variations and combinations of hinges and handles.

Animation & Blendshapes

For both projects I got to create several animations completely by hand in Maya as well as with help of Motion Capturing.

Furthermore I created and animated numerous blendshapes for the 3D-characters of the Königstein-project.


Instagram: nina.sch.95

