

Call me Catlady! I own 4 already, so it is totally okay.

Every other cat person can probably relate when I say, that everytime a cat crosses my way I stop and want to pet it. They are great photo models - at least some of them. Others might offer some funny shots though.

Overall, as if there are not enough pictures of cats already, I can only say -  you can never have enough pictures of cats. Or cats.


When I spend a few weeks in summer on an alp in Switzerland I can here them whistle every now and then and sometimes I see them laying around in the sun.
They are some of the cutest animals, but very quick. With a lot of patience and more or less good sneaking skills I managed to get really close one time.

Farm Animals

Growing up in the countryside I spent a lot of time on farms, in barns and stables in my childhood. I have always loved animals and taking care of them.

Even though for a lot of people farm animals like goats and cows are just meat, if you spend every day with them you will see that they have individual characters, too. Some of them can behave real funny.

It is so interesting to watch different indivuals interact with each other, especially with cows one can see which ones like each other when they lick their friends.

Some animals just seem to know how to strike a pose when a camera is around and be really dramatic and good-looking.


Instagram: nina.sch.95

