Pencil Drawings

I loved drawing and skribbeling since I can remember. Over the years I had some different trends, but now I mainly draw people, characters and sometimes animals in a rather realistic style.

I tend to use colour mostly to highlight some features of the motive while the main parts are drawn with pencils.


I often use my hobby and talent to create drawings on commission or as presents for friends and family.
In the pictures on the left you can see pencil portaits of my grandparents I made as a christmas gift for my Papa.

I enjoy drawing clothes and wrinkles; hair and beards not so much, but I am happy everytime I get them done kind of looking good.

Although I like taking my time to draw a picture, bring out all the details and achieve a realistic image, sometimes I just do rough sketches and skribblings, too.


Instagram: nina.sch.95

